Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Credo 2

One of the main aims of this blog is to raise basic social, economic, legal and ethical issues associated with the colonisation of Mars. I feel these often get scant consideration in the mainstream media. Concentration on technical and logistical questions is important and I try to cover these too, but if we do not start considering the project at the fundamental human and philosophical levels as soon as possible then we will be building up a backlog of thinking which will become increasingly difficult to address adequately.

I hope some of the posts here are meeting this aim, at least to the extent of stimulating further thought. As I have said before, I would welcome comment and debate. Just one point before concluding, I am uncomfortable with part of the nomenclature of the topic. Although I have used them myself, the terms colony and colonisation leave me uneasy. Too many adverse connotations. I prefer the phrase 'settlement of Mars' to any other.

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